Director | Editor | Motion

Music by Jason Moss / Bulletproof Bear


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As a director, I am often tasked with taking the seed of an idea from concept to completion. My favorite aspect is during the pre-production phase when I’m researching character and story. I find that this provides a better connection to the subject and an overall better performance.


The foundation of my career is built around being an editor. There is an allure to getting intimate with the footage and having the story at your fingertips.


After 10+ years in video production, I set out on a journey to further develop my motion skills particularly in After Effects and Cinema 4D. This is a sample of some of the work throughout my self-taught journey of Cinema 4D and After Effects.


Over the years, I've had other creative desires. Desires that needed to be fed. Photography became a tool that helped me transition from editing to directing. But I loved working with computers and I needed a place to learn, play and experiment. That place became my Sandbox. 





Photo by Lucas Deming


One midwestern summer night,

Four high school best friends set out to make a movie. With my parents VHS camera in hand, we took off to an abandoned train car that was the centerpiece to our action sequences. The piece was never edited together… I don’t think that was ever our intention. We hadn’t really thought about the “how,” but we tried our hardest to plan and film our action sequence linearly. However, what mattered most to us was that we had fun trying something different. That’s probably where the seed was planted for me. My mom, however, told the film school recruit that my creativity came from years of building with Legos. Wherever it began, I set out with a love for music videos but along the way, fell in love with storytelling as a whole.  When I’m not working, I enjoy live music, exploring off the beaten path and cooking.